Best Card Shuffler Ever Made

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Best Card Shuffler Ever Made

In my opinion, this is best card shuffler ever made. I don't know how many of these I have bought in my lifetime but they all seem to break after a short period of time. We were playing cards with a friend one night and we were both saying we would be willing to pay a lot more if we could just get one that wouldn't break. The next day I went shopping and found this mechanical unit.

There are a couple of things that make this spectacular. One is NO BATTERIES! It runs on good ole human manpower! There is a little crank that attaches to the side of the unit. You just crank and the cards get mixed in the middle. Another wonderful feature is that it is not noisy. You can actually talk to each other while one person is shuffling. You don't get drowned out by the noise.

Every automatic model we have had has broke because it has a lot of moving parts and they are normally cheaply made. This one basically has two moving parts. There is a little wheel on each side to advance the cards. The only other moving part is the crank. You can remove the crank and place it on the bottom for storage. However, I can see where popping that in and out could result in the crank breaking. So I decided just to leave the crank on.

The only drawback I noticed is that it does a great job of shuffling the cards every other one. So it is a good idea to mix up the cards a bit so that they get shuffled good.

I am so glad I found this! It is inexpensive and looks like it will last a long time.